Photography zine. One doesn’t know one’s mother. We receive unconditional love from our mothers without having to know what they really are about. We don’t have to know a person’s likings, desires and deepest fears in order to receive this love. As a result, we come to realize, we don’t know our mothers as well as we think we do. They live their private lives away from our judgment. They protect us by not telling the whole truth. With time, we try to deconstruct our mothers' personalities retrospectively. We cling to a few little memories we have, untangling the deep motives behind our mother’s decisions and behaviors. We seek an understanding of our own nature. Were there mistakes? Would it be better the other way? Is that why I am what I am? In this zine, I observe moments in the lives of two people. It’s a meditation on the beauty of the imperfect relationship between a mother and a child. The layout of the book contains a subtext of radical acceptance of the chaotic lifestyle of a mother.
, Zine